Our Projects

NMW Pine Green

Our Projects

Here you will find our library, including some of our favourite projects from the last couple of years. Our areas of innovation and research represent the issues that we care most about - children, families and education. We have signifcant skill and experience in improving outcomes for children. We love working closely with communities and organisations to create, deliver, evaluate and sustain projects, policies and programmes that enable children to succeed in a world of change.

Helping communities to set up outdoor nurseries and projects for children

Nature Nurtures is a project close to our hearts. Since 2018, we have been working with Nature Nurtures to develop programmes to support individuals and organisations to set up their own outdoor nurseries and projects for children. We have been making this happen from the ground up, from within communities, because this is where the passion, knowledge and power to bring about change lies. By bringing together people in the places in which they live and work, there is participation in projects that are meaningful and unique to those communities.

Through Nature Nurtures, we support outdoor projects that benefit children and young people directly in their communities. These are sustainable, authentic, equitable enterprises that leverage local partnerships and that are firmly rooted in the needs of the communities they serve.

Find out more at www.naturenurtures.co.uk