Childhood has a purpose - and one of those is recognising that it is a time where developing minds need space and time to thrive, unhurriedly, protected and safeguarded by adults.

Nature Nurtures is our new brand, working directly with practitioners, educators and social entrepreneurs.

You cannot respect a child's autonomy if you choose what a child should and should not learn!  Rather than justifying why we do the wrong thing, there can always be time to find ways to do the right thing.

It has been noticed that children who get to live the bulk of their days outdoors; when the full hours of daylight are physically experienced bodily - become children whose day/night body clocks are synced and naturalised. These children seem more able to sink into their sleep hours more readily.

...'If, like 64% of kids today, you played outside less than once a week, or were one of the 28% who haven't been on a country walk in the last year, the 21% who've never been to a farm and the 20% who have never once climbed a tree, you wouldn't know much about nature either.

To stand up for children in the face of adult linguistic eloquence and manipulation, when you run the risk of offending another adult is not tactless confrontation but a recognition of powerful truth and justice!

The goal at Nurture Outdoor Kindergarten is to facilitate for each child the fulfilling of their own motivations and interests.